KnowledgeOwl is a comprehensive knowledge base software that empowers businesses to create, manage, and share their knowledge effectively. It provides a platform for creating user-friendly documentation, FAQs, user guides, and manuals, making it easier for customers and employees to find the information they need.
Torii helps you get the most out of your KnowledgeOwl subscription. With Torii, you can pull data such as the number of articles viewed, search terms used, and feedback received on your knowledge base. You can also track user activity, monitor changes made to your knowledge base, and analyze usage patterns to understand how your customers or employees are interacting with your content. Torii also lets you take automated, decisive actions such as scheduling regular content reviews, setting up alerts for outdated content, and automating the process of publishing or updating articles. This ensures your knowledge base is always up-to-date and relevant, enhancing the overall user experience.